Home » Startup » Greece » IRIAN WOMEN BAGS


“IRIAN women bags for innovators” aims to be active in the field of women’s accessories and specifically the women’s bag. The company will concern the design, manufacture, packaging and promotion of women’s custom made bags, in which modern, innovative techniques will be applied at every stage of the product life cycle, in order to introduce in the Greek market an innovative fashion product, fully focused on ethics and sustainable fashion.

The idea takes advantage firstly of the ever-increasing tendency of the shoppers towards environmentally friendly products and secondly of all the more and more sustainable materials produced through modern technologies. At the same time, the market of sustainable fashion products is booming, which makes it an ideal time for our business to enter the market. There is also a strong shift of fashion brands in providing mass customization products, with the buying public choosing more and more “custom made” products. Finally, e-commerce showed an exponential increase in sales during the Covid period and brought a growing buying public, something that is expected to continue.

Contractor’s name:

Konstantoula Konstantinopoulou



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Digital, Eco-design, Crafts

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