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Réseau Entreprendre Tunisie

Réseau Entreprendre is an association of business leaders founded in France 30 years ago by André Mulliez, under the motto: “To create jobs, let’s create employers”.

It has developed an international presence in 10 countries of note: Belgium, Chile, Spain, France, Italy, Morocco, Portugal, Senegal, Switzerland and Tunisia. It is in 2010 that the association Réseau Entreprendre Tunisie was established, It offers honorary loan which is granted to the person, of an amount between 10 000 and 30 000 TND, repayable over 5 years without interest or guarantees with 18 months of grace, which strengthens the equity of new entrepreneurs.

Contact person:

Salma Bouraoui

Organization name:

Réseau Entreprendre Tunisie


Incubation / acceleration:

Loans / debt financing:

Equity investments:



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